Beloved Baby Bears
Memory and keepsake and teddy bears made from baby clothes to honor
and celebrate the life and love of your baby or angel baby.

Meticulously hand sewn with care and attention to detail, creating heirloom teddy bear keepsakes with your sentimental items that last a lifetime. From the very reception of your precious belongings to the final stitch and bow, TammyBears will touch your hands and heart with a sweet, gentle teddy bear…made with care, stuffed-and filled full with your love.
Memory & Keepsake
Teddy Bears
Keepsake and Memorial teddy bears made from baby clothes such as gowns, blankets, onesies, sleepers, bedding, or other special fabric keepsake. Baby bears can be birth-weighted to match your precious baby’s weight and height. I can hand paint your beloved baby’s footprints on your bear’s paws. Available in sizes 12″/15″/18″ or custom made to size.
- Baby Bears crafted from blankets or clothing range from $125-175
- With teddy bear fur, or weighted and with footprints range from $200-$250. Please contact me for details and special customization.

Memory Bears made from other Clothing and Special Materials
More memory bears and other keepsakes made from Loved One’s clothing.